The C.A.T. Principle – Global Ebook Awards GOLD & SILVER Winner for Best Self-Help Non-Fiction Ebook of 2014 & 2016

“Just write…”


“Just write…”

Two weeks have passed since the inaugural blog, and since then my mind has become a battleground of what to write next. Like a tossed Caesar salad, with ideas thrown back and forth, the pros and cons of topics to follow were weighed.

What to write? Then it dawned on me: writing about not knowing what to write, something every writer can identify with.

During high school I recall an English teacher bestowing two words of advice upon us want-to-be practitioners of the written word. “Just write,” he said. “It’s that simple! Just write!” I still remember him uttering those words, although it’s been more than thirty years since they echoed through that classroom. Strange how some things stick, and those two words stuck.

Whether penning essays at university, or writing stories for a magazine I worked at during military service, I remembered those words of advice. I’d just write! And sure enough, thoughts flowed and a chain of words followed. The prescription fit the bill, but only so long as the prescription was backed by thought.

Words without thought are meaningless, and if you’re going to write without thought, you might as well put the pen away. But the act of putting words to paper triggers thoughts; thoughts that otherwise remain dormant and stuck in the depths of the brain. Taking action though, draws upon some hitherto unknown internal force, an internal force that causes thoughts to release themselves from the maze that the brain is.

Is this then the ‘inspiration’ that Thomas Edison wisely alluded to in his famous saying; “Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration?” Alas, is inspiration nothing more than the product of hard work and taking action? Is this why so many want-to-be writers never actually become writers because they’re waiting for that so-called ‘perfect’ moment to write that ‘perfect’ book? While unbeknownst, it could be theirs, if they just applied themselves by taking action, and started writing?

How many talented people have passed through the world without the world ever hearing of them? And yet, how many people of mediocre talent have risen to the top, just because they had the stamina and the wherewithal to put in the required time, effort and hours? They didn’t fear to take action, and the world became theirs!

The Bible says that the meek shall inherit the earth. That may be, but the bold shall conquer it. Those willing to take action, and not procrastinate, and not make excuses, and not wait around for the ‘perfect’ time; they will lead the way and make the difference. While others sit on the sidelines; they will make it happen. While others criticize and make negative comment, they will toil long hours. While others fear to take risk, they will brave the unknown. The world is rampant with naysayers, but while they’re busy doubting and negating, the bold are taking action and doing. In other words, they are inspired.

“Just write,” my teacher advised. Words to remember…

For more check out The C.A.T. Principle: Change, Action, Trust – Words to Live By, a 2014 Global Ebook Awards Nominee, available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

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The C.A.T. Principle BookEbook Awards

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